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Top 10 ways to shield your ride: Car theft prevention in Ontario

Car theft continues to be a growing concern across Canada, with Ontario being a particular hotspot.

Car theft continues to be a growing concern across Canada, with Ontario being a particular hotspot. The number of stolen vehicles in Ontario has gone up 116 per cent since 2019. But don't let statistics steal your peace of mind. By following these ten simple car theft prevention tips, you can reduce the risk of your vehicle becoming someone else's stolen treasure.

1. Park Smart: Your Fortress on Wheels


Garages are your best defence. A locked garage creates a physical barrier and keeps your car out of sight. If a garage isn't available, prioritize well-lit, high-traffic areas with security cameras.

2. Lock It Up Tight (Every Time)


This might seem like a no-brainer, but leaving your car unlocked, even for a quick dash into the store, is an open invitation for thieves. Make a habit of double-checking that all doors and windows are secure every single time you exit your vehicle.

3. Key Fob Faraday Cage:


Modern key fobs with keyless entry are convenient, but they can also be susceptible to hacking. Invest in a signal-blocking fob pouch, essentially a Faraday cage, to prevent unauthorized access to your key fob's signal.

4. Sound the Alarm:


A visible and audible car alarm is a great deterrent. A blaring alarm will not only scare off would-be thieves but also attract attention and potentially lead to someone intervening.

5. Immobilize It: The Electronic Guardian


Consider installing an aftermarket car immobilizer, an electronic device that prevents the engine from starting without a specific key or code. This adds another layer of security to your car's defences.

6. Old School Protection: Steering Wheel & Wheel Locks


While not foolproof, visible deterrents like steering wheel locks or wheel locks can slow down a thief and make them think twice about targeting your car.

7. Lights, Camera, Action: Illuminate and Record Suspicious Activity


Motion-sensor lights and security cameras around your driveway can illuminate suspicious activity and deter theft attempts by creating a sense of being watched.

8. Clear the Decks: Don't Advertise Valuables


Leaving valuables like bags, laptops, or electronics in plain sight makes your car a more tempting target for thieves. Empty your car and keep belongings out of sight whenever you park.

9. Document Everything: Keep Important Info Safe


Keep your car's registration, proof of insurance, and vehicle identification number (VIN) in a safe place at home, not in the glove box. This will save you time and hassle in case your car is stolen. Note that it is the law in Ontario to have proof of auto insurance in the vehicle at all times, whether in paper copy or electronic format.

10. Neighbourhood Watch: Together We're Stronger


Getting to know your neighbours and fostering a sense of community can be a powerful deterrent to crime. Report any suspicious activity to the police. By working together, you can create a safer neighbourhood for everyone.

By following these car theft prevention tips and investing in car anti-theft devices like immobilizers and alarms, you can significantly reduce your risk of auto theft in Ontario and enjoy peace of mind on the road.

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