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From coast to coast: Canada's Halloween weather forecast

So, whether you're little ones are trick-or-treating or you're enjoying a spooky soirée, Canada's Halloween weather forecast promises a bewitching night ahead.

Halloween is right around the corner, and as we perfect our costumes and carve our pumpkins, there's one question on everyone's mind: What's the weather going to be like on the big night?

Whether you're planning a hauntingly fun outdoor adventure or stocking up on candy for eager trick-or-treaters, knowing what Mother Nature has in store is essential.

Fortunately, The Weather Network has shared its Halloween outlook to ensure Canadians are fully prepared for a memorable Halloween from coast to coast. From eerie calm conditions to atmospheric treats, let's delve into what's brewing for Halloween 2023.

Screenshot from The Weather Network/YouTube

Halloween night is shaping up to be a treat for most of Canada, with eerily calm conditions prevailing in BC and parts of Alberta. However, Eastern Canada may experience some tricky weather as a weak trough passes through, potentially bringing a few surprises. Keep an eye on the forecast if you're planning outdoor activities in this region.

The snowbelts of the Great Lakes could get a bit spooky as the lake-effect snow machine cranks up, possibly dusting the area with snow showers, setting the stage for November's arrival.

The good news is that the rest of the country is likely to enjoy a relatively uneventful evening, perfect for making Halloween memories without the interference of pesky rain or snow.

For those residing in BC's South Coast, the atmosphere may have the most significant treat in store. A ridge settling over the West Coast is expected to send temperatures above seasonal averages, making for a delightful Halloween evening.

However, the little ghouls and goblins in the Prairies should be prepared to bundle up, as evening temperatures are set to drop into the double digits in some locations across Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Alberta residents can look forward to some milder air as it arrives just in time for Halloween, offering a pleasant backdrop for the evening's festivities.

So, whether you're little ones are trick-or-treating or you're enjoying a spooky soirée, Canada's Halloween weather forecast promises a bewitching night ahead.

You can check out the full Halloween weather outlook below.